Neural Manipulation


Neural Manipulation (NM) works directly with the nervous system, accessing nerves structures in the brain, spinal cord, legs, arms and trunk, to release restrictions in the nerves and connective tissue that surrounds the nerve. Neural tissue can get twisted or stuck after a trauma such as a fall, head injury, or as a result of poor posture, or repetitive movements, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. A client may be experiencing wrist pain, but the root of the pain may be traced to the forearm, elbow, or all the way back to the roots of the nerve found in the brachial plexus or the spine itself.

Neural manipulation helps the nerves return to optimal function and alignment by releasing restrictions in the tissues that surround the nerve and by unwinding the nerve itself.

NM was developed by two French osteopaths, Jean-Pierre Barral and Alain Croibier, and more information may be found at

Further information about Neural Manipulation can be found at: