Visceral Manipulation


Visceral manipulation is a gentle, light touch therapy that works directly with the organs, and the fascia and ligaments that hold them in place. By working directly with these “core” restrictions, more global patterns of tension are released from the body. Visceral manipulation helps clients suffering from constipation, digestive issues, as well as bladder and pelvic floor dysfunction. Visceral manipulation is also indicated for conditions such as shoulder, hip and knee pain, as imbalances in the abdomen can affect the alignment of muscles and bones in the rest of the body.

Here’s what clients are saying:

“What a lovely healing and nurturing session on my belly, heart and cranial system. I’ve been going through a lot the past two months, since my husband had a life altering injury, and Elizabeth helped me find that place within myself to relax and release. After a traumatic birth of my son, ten years ago, my belly has not been the same. After my session, my belly released from that trauma. I can feel the change now, and I know it will continue to let go. Thank you so much for your kind heart and lovely healing touch.”